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Beaver registration

Beaver Scouts Enrolment
(Age 6-7 Grade 1-2)

Beaver logos 1
Beaver PAB

Recruitment for 2024-25 is now open!

About the Beaver Scouts Program

Beavers are the youngest members of our Scout Group. Every year, Beavers are recruited from Grades 1 & 2. We also welcome Prep students, provided one of the parents participates as a Scouter. Fun and friendship are the cornerstones of the Beaver program. Through an adventurous program of outdoor activities, creative play, music and cooperative games, Beavers enjoy time with their friends (and meet new ones), learn how to get along within a group, and develop confidence to be themselves.

These activities are guided by the Beaver Scout’s Law, Promise and Motto:

Beaver Scout Law: “A Beaver has fun, works hard and helps his family and friends” 

Beaver Scout Promise: “I promise to be kind and to help take care of the world” 

Beaver Scout Motto: “Sharing, Sharing, Sharing.”

Our program runs from September 2023 to early June 2024, aligned with the CDNIS school year. Beavers meet on Saturdays (except for public holidays and school holidays) for 1.5 hours (starting at 9am) in the school. Outdoor or special meetings may run beyond normal meeting hours (e.g. 9am-12 noon). The family camps and family hikes are definitely the highlights of the Beaver year! Kids and parents love them! Parent support for the Beaver program is vital. We need parent volunteers on a regular basis as Scouters. All Beaver Scouters are dedicated volunteers who organize programs for the Beavers, on top of their day jobs. No special skills are required to join – it is your dedication that counts. Training will be provided. Our Scouters support each other with one common goal – to run a fun and interesting program for the Beavers! In addition, children of parents who become Scouters will have priority in joining the Beaver program in the event that we are over-subscribed (which we often are).

For more information, please contact us at